My Holy Father       by Elaine de Beauport

Our God, who art everywhere
Above me, Below me, Around me
Within me and as me . . .
Holy are all thy Names.
Thy Kingdom has come
Thy Energy is being done
on Earth as it is Everywhere . . .

Notice her beautiful hands

Give me this Morning 
Thy holy breath
And forgive me my separations
As I forgive those who
separate from me and
As we are always in Communion . . .

Again, her articulate hands

Help me to lift from myself
Any veil which might
be keeping me from
Thy Kingdom on Earth
The Power of thy Heart and 
The Glory forever . . . 



Elisabet Sahtouris and Hanna Wise Heiting in Greece with Elaine 1984. Dr Sahtouris is 
an evolution biologist and futurist who consults and speaks all over the world. Her website at is an eye-opener with links to her books, interviews and appearances.

Jane Prettyman at Esquire 
Magazine 1977 when first 
met Elaine

Jean Houston, an early champion of Elaine de Beauport 
and the Mead School for Human Development
(Jean is seen in front row of Elaine's audience 
at the Mead School in the photo below).

A young Elaine speaking at the art-centered Mead School. Notice the 
round walls in background featuring artwork of Mead students such as the piece below.

Can't help but wonder if Elaine is one of those
blowing the Mead sail . . . 

Nancy Gottlieb of Santa Barbara CA, 
a key supporter who helped Elaine
 launch her first  Councils for adults 
which later became a School for Adults
 (Mead Institute) which evolved 
further in Caracas.

Elaine, Jane Prettyman, Sylviane Sans, 1984. It was 
through Sylviane that Elaine met Aura Sofia Diaz and 
further developed her School for Adults in Caracas 
as well as another school for kids.

Robin Van Doren, devoted colleague 

Elaine with Lewis Gover. Lew was the 
husband of Ede Rothaus who worked 
with Elaine for many years. Lew and 
Ede were together 29 years before he 
passed in 2009. 

Also see photos of friends who wrote words of remembrance on the opening page of 'Celebrating Elaine.'

Thanks for everything, dear one .  .  . 

With love,
Friends of Elaine


Elaine and Aura Sofia Diaz's website:  The Infinite Human (El Humano Infinito). Go to this link for current info about activities at the Mead Institute in Caracas.